New Spillway is Operational

The Dunlap Lake spillway project has been a result of many years of collaboration with IDNR to bring the dam up to modern standards. It triples overflow capacity, so the lake will rise less during rain eventsĀ and will return to normal levels much faster after rain...

Illinois EPA Grant 319

Good News! The IL EPA has award a matching grant for up to $400K for a retention basin at the south end of Dunlap Lake at Gerber Road and East Lake Drive. Section 319 of the U.S. Clean Water Act makes these funds available for pollution control in American waterway....

Final Ballot Count

Ballot Count is Final Scheffel Boyle accounting has reported on the recent question to DLPOA members of whether to raise assessments to $675 this year and then an additional $175 per year over the next 3 years to an annual amount of $1,200 An assessment increase...